Types Of Cleaning Agents And How To Use Them

Be it home or office, in order to ensure a healthy and welcoming environment, it is important that we maintain cleanliness inside and around the premises. There are times when basic cleaning does not do the job and there is a desperate need for robust cleaning. If you do not wish to hire a residential cleaner in Saratoga for the job, you can take it as a DIY project and clean your property using the right techniques and cleaning supplies. Here are a few cleaning agents and how to use them -  
  • Detergent- Detergents are the most common agents and are used for both residential as well as commercial cleaning in Los Gatos. Their primary job is to break up dirt or soil, and make it easier for cleaners to wash it away. Although there are various types of detergents used at different settings, synthetic detergents made from petroleum products in the form of powder, liquid, gel or crystals and more preferred for commercial applications.
  • Degreasers - Also known as known as solvent cleaners, degreasers are basically used to remove grease from surfaces such as tops, counters and grill backsplashes. Although Methylated or white spirit were commonly used as degreasers in the past, most businesses, especially those in the food industry are trying to use non-toxic, non-fuming degreasers in order to prevent chemical contamination.
  • Acid Cleaners - Acid cleaners are typically used to remove mineral deposits or to remove rust from restroom facilities. These cleaners are the most powerful type of cleaning agents, so you need to be a bit more careful when using them. It is important to dilute them correctly because they can be very poisonous and corrosive.
To kill bacteria and ensure a clean home or workplace, follow cleaning with sanitizing.
